1713 - Trinity Column - Zatec, Czech Republic
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N 50° 19.748 E 013° 32.684
33U E 396420 N 5576238
A two chronograms on the Trinity Column in Zatec
Waymark Code: WMZBJK
Location: Ústecký kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 10/14/2018
Views: 13
The chronograms are located on the Trinity Column.
The Roman numerals of chronogram are larger than the other letters and are not color-coded from the rest of the text.
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The chronograms:
Ista statVa LoCata est a sIgIsMVnDo kLapka (1713)
CZ: Tato socha umístena byla Zikmundem Klapkou
EN (Google translation): This statue was placed by Zikmund Klapka
In honoreMD proCopII abbatIs ereCta a Ioanne IgnatIo haVner (1712)
CZ: V poctu svatého Prokopa, opata, vztycena Janem Ignácem Haunerem
EN (Google translation): In honor of St. Procopius, abbot, erected by Jan Ignac Hauner