Haddock et Tintin au Guzzo Pont-Viau - Laval, Québec
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N 45° 34.656 W 073° 41.846
18T E 601625 N 5047942
Les statues de Haddock et Tintin se trouvent sur la mezzanine, dans l'entrée du cinéma.
//The statues of Haddock and Tintin are on the mezzanine in the entrance of the theater.
Waymark Code: WMYXYT
Location: Québec, Canada
Date Posted: 08/08/2018
Views: 14
Le Capitaine Haddock, avec ses vêtements habituels et son sac, marche sur la mezzanine et un peu plus loin, Tintin court dans sa pose habituelle.
Il s'agit de statues qui ont servi à la promotion du film "Les aventures de Tintin, Le secret de la Licorne" en 2011, et qui n'ont pas été déplacées depuis ce temps.
Il n'est pas nécessaire de payer et d'entrer pour voir les statues.
Captain Haddock, wearing is regular outfit ad carrying his back over his shoulder, is walking on the mezzanine and a little further, Tintin is running is his typical position.
Both statues were used for promotion of the 2011 movie "The Adventures of Tintin - The movie" and have not been taken away since.
You don't have to pay and get in to see the statues.
Type of waymark: Sculpture/Relief
 Which title does the waymark relate to?: Not relevant
 Relevant website if any: [Web Link]
 Physical address of item/location: 1055, boul. des Laurentides, Laval, Québec Canada H7G 2W2
 A true Tintin fan?: I am a true tintinologist
 Other: Not listed
 Entrance fee: Not Listed
 Opening hours: Not listed

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