Krabben - Slettestrand, Denmark
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Svendborg
N 57° 09.301 E 009° 21.858
32V E 522038 N 6334700
DAN: Afprøvning af nyt svejseapperat, mundede ud i en tro kopi af det ottebenede havdyr KRABBEN. ENG: Testing of new welding apple, poured out in a true copy of the eight-legged sea creature KRABBEN in the 1:25 size ratio.
Waymark Code: WMYT75
Location: Denmark
Date Posted: 07/21/2018
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Math Teacher
Views: 7

Uddrag fra skilt ved krabben:
Skulpturen passer perfekt til havet og vejret ved Slettestrand, der præcis kom Krabben, kan være barsk.
Skulpturen er foræret til Han Herreds Turistforening, hvorefter foreningen lod krabben opstille på denne plads ved Havbådehuset i Slettestrand d. 4. april 1981.

ENG: (by google translate)
Extracts from the sign by the crab:
The sculpture fits perfectly to the sea and the weather at Slettestrand, which exactly came the crab, can be harsh.
The sculpture was handed to Han Herreds Turistforening, after which the association lodged the crab in this place at the Havbådehuset in Slettestrand on April 4, 1981.
Name or use 'Unknown' if not known: Krabben

Figure Type: Animal

Artist Name or use 'Unknown' if not known: Erik Nielsen

Date created or placed or use 'Unknown' if not known: Created: 1978 placed:1981

Materials used: Iron

Location: Slettestrand

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Please upload at least one photo you have personally taken of the sculpture and tell us a little about your impressions of the piece. Additional photos are always appreciated.
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