Benchmark - Töölönkatu / Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu - Helsinki, Finland
Posted by: SMacB
N 60° 10.669 E 024° 55.688
35V E 385068 N 6673017
This benchmark is located on a building at the junction of Töölönkatu / Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu. It is about 10 inches above the ground.
Waymark Code: WMYM45
Location: Finland
Date Posted: 06/27/2018
Views: 11
This benchmark is located on the corner of a building at the Töölönkatu / North Hesperiankatu junction. It is about 10 inches above the ground.
Suomi -
Tämä vertailuarvo sijaitsee Töölönkatu / North Hesperiankatu rakennuksen kulmassa. Se on noin 25 cm maanpinnan yläpuolella.
Visit Instructions:
1. A closeup photo of the waymark with your GPS, or (a part of) you in it, is required.
2. An area photo including the waymark in the view is highly appreciated.
Logs not meeting the requirements are considered arm chair visits and are therefor subject for deletion.