Wood Street Galleries / T Station, Pittsburgh, PA
N 40° 26.539 W 079° 59.987
17T E 584825 N 4477332
An art gallery, artists' office and studio space, and a subway station all manage to squeeze into this triangular edifice.
Waymark Code: WMY41
Location: Pennsylvania, United States
Date Posted: 11/09/2006
Views: 261
Pittsburgh sprang up because of the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers connecting to form the Ohio River. The heart of downtown, bounded by the rivers, is called "The Golden Triangle." And there are lots of little triangles within it. That's because Pittsburgh's street grid runs parallel and perpendicular to both rivers. Eventually these two grids must crash into each other, and the place where that happens is Liberty Avenue.
Here at the "corner" of Liberty, Wood Street and Sixth Avenue, a little triangle of real estate is formed by the odd intersection. A building popped up to fill that space. Originally, it was used as a bank. In the 1980's the building got quite a facelift when Pittsburgh's "T" Subway System was built. From the ground floor, commuters access the escalators and stairs down to the platforms below.
Above them, the trendy Wood Street Galleries host some of the hoitiest and toitiest of art displays to be found anywhere. There is also shared space for artists to work in. I bet they paint lots of funny angles.
The building is a project of the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust.
Building Address: 601 Wood Street Pittsburgh, PA USA 15222
 Is it open to the general public?: yes
 When was it built? (Approximate if you must.): 01/01/1905
 What is the name of this building?: Wood Street Galleries
