Carnegie Library, Jeffersonville, Indiana (USA)
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N 38° 16.502 W 085° 44.530
16S E 610022 N 4237079
This lovely former library featuring a small bronze dome, was built in the Neo-Classicalstyle in 1903 using Carnegie funds. It currently houses rare books and documents dealing with topics related to liberty and human dignity.
Waymark Code: WMXX6
Location: Indiana, United States
Date Posted: 11/06/2006
Views: 239
The former library Carnegie Library is located in Warder Park at the corner of Court Avenue and Spring Street in Jeffersonville, IN. home of the Remnant Trust Inc.
The library is located in a part of the Old Jeffersonville National Register District with particular historical significance to the city of Jeffersonville. Once the site of a bakery complex that produced hardtack for Union soldiers during the Civil War, the park was established in 1887 to honor Luther F. Warder, then mayor of Jeffersonville.
The former library that is the central feature of the park was one of the early Carnegie libraries, built before the loan system were changed to preclude the building of over elaborate buildings such as the one seen here. The library, built in 1903 in Neo-Classical style, was designed by Arthur Loomis, a nationally respected architect with the firm of Clarke & Loomis. Loomis was a Jeffersonville native. The building features a small bronze dome.
Once used to house classes for Indiana University Southeast, the building was later purchased by a group dedicated to the preservation of local historic buildings, Jeff-Clark Preservation, Inc., which used it for a time as a local history museum. Most recently, the building has been rededicated to house the Remnant Trust collection of rare books and documents. Opening on 25 Oct, 2006, at a restoration cost of $4 million, the building will eventually hold an extensive collection of titles including:
* a 19th-century edition of "Life and Times of Frederick Douglass"
* a 560-year-old page of a Gutenberg Bible
* a 1350 copy of the Magna Carta
* a copy of the first British Edition of Lewis and Clark's "Travels to the Source of the Missouri River."
At the opening of the newly renovated building, a bas-relief sculpture, titled “The Timeline of Liberty” was also unveiled. The sculpture includes 56 figures of associated with promoting a philosophy of liberty and human dignity, and is located to the left of the library's entrance when facing the building.
Two nearby buildings also reflect the neoclassical architectural features. The former post office, immediately to the west of the Carnegie library, which now houses medical billing companies and the Masonic Temple across the street to the west, which was also built by Loomis in 1926.
The Remnant Trust is a public educational foundation that avidly collects original and 1st edition works dealing with the topics of liberty and human dignity. Some of the earliest items date to 1250, and all are displayed to the public for the purpose of allowing access to some of the greatest documents of the world.
Address of Library Building: Warder Park Spring & Court Streets Jeffersonville, Indiana United States 47130
 Current Use of Building: rare books repository
 Year Built (optional): 1903
 Website about building: [Web Link]

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