Anne-Sophie Pic by SUFYR - Toulon, PACA, FRANCE
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member DarkDodo
N 43° 07.405 E 005° 55.847
31T E 738412 N 4778689
[EN] Portrait of Anne-Sophie Pic on the side of Anne-Sophie Pic culinary school [FR] Portrait de Anne-Sophie Pic sur le côté du lycée hôtelier Anne-Sophie Pic
Waymark Code: WMXWX8
Location: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
Date Posted: 03/10/2018
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member saopaulo1
Views: 7

ENSUFYR is a Stencil artist/street artist from France based in Toulon (Var, 83)

He has invested the streets of the old town of Toulon, where his portraits flourish. His style is very colorful, very pop.

FRSUFYR est un artist/street artiste Français de Toulon (Var, 83) qui travaille beaucoup au pochoir

Il a investit les rues de la vieille ville de Toulon, où ses portraits fleurissent. Son style est très coloré, très pop.

Type of Surface: Building

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LeBourguignon wrote comment for Anne-Sophie Pic by SUFYR - Toulon, PACA, FRANCE 05/28/2021 LeBourguignon wrote comment for it