The Gangplank -- I-80 Frontage Road, Buford WY
N 41° 05.928 W 105° 06.755
13T E 490545 N 4549730
A Wyoming historical marker along the I-80 in Buford WY
Waymark Code: WMXT0B
Location: Wyoming, United States
Date Posted: 02/22/2018
Views: 4
This state historical marker about the interesting rock formations to be seen at this location is located along the I-80 frontage road in Buford WY.
This historical marker reads as follows:
[inset topo map of the gangplank formation]
The granite rocks to the west are more than a billion years old (Pre-Cambrian in age). The sedimentary rocks to the east are some 10 million years old (Late Miocene in age). After the mountains were elevated, some 20,000 feet of rocks were eroded from their crest. Later the younger sedimentary rocks were deposited against the flank of the range.
The time between the formation of the granite to the west and the deposition of the onlapping sediments to the east is measured in terms of more than ten hundred million years. You are now standing on the gangplank.
The Wyoming State Archives and Historical Commission
and Wyoming State Historical Society"
Marker Name: The Gangplank
 Marker Type: Rural Roadside
 Addtional Information: This marker is located on the north side of Interstate 80 at the Warren Road exit (Exit 345). There was an earthcache about this marker, so it's a 2-fer :)
 Group Responsible for Placement: State of WY
 Date Dedicated: Not listed
 Marker Number: Not listed
 Web link(s) for additional information: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Please post a photo of you OR your GPS at the marker location. Also if you know of any additional links not already mentioned about this bit of Wyoming history please include that in your log.