General Stanislaw Maczek - Breda, The Netherlands
N 51° 34.952 E 004° 44.867
31U E 621094 N 5716055
The grave of general Stanislaw Maczek
Waymark Code: WMWCEP
Location: Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Date Posted: 08/13/2017
Views: 13
General Stanislaw Maczek (31 March 1892 – 11 December 1994) was a Polish tank commander of World War II, whose division was instrumental in the Allied liberation of France, closing the Falaise pocket, resulting in the destruction of 14 German Wehrmacht and SS divisions. A veteran of World War I, the Polish-Ukrainian and Polish-Bolshevik Wars, Maczek was the commander of Poland's only major armoured formation during the September 1939 campaign, and later commanded a Polish armoured formation in France in 1940. He was the commander of the famous 1st Polish Armoured Division, and later of the I Polish Army Corps under Allied Command in 1942–45.
source: (
visit link)
Description: See long description
Date of birth: 03/31/1892
Date of death: 12/11/1994
Area of notoriety: Military
Marker Type: Headstone
Setting: Outdoor
Fee required?: No
Visiting Hours/Restrictions: Not listed
Web site: Not listed
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