SI - Groundspeak HQ - Seattle - WA
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N 47° 38.951 W 122° 20.885
10T E 548958 N 5277515
[F] Un mur de Space Invaders au quartier général de Groundspeak !
[E] A wall of Space Invaders at Groundspeak headquarters!
Waymark Code: WMWAJ6
Location: Washington, United States
Date Posted: 08/03/2017
Views: 81
[F] Des dizaines de Space Invaders se trouvent peints sur les murs de la salle de jeux du siège de Groundspeak à Seattle.
On peut les admirer en regardant cette vidéo de 2:30 à 3:26 : (
visit link)
[E] Dozens of Space Invaders are painted on the walls of the game room of Groundspeak headquarters in Seattle !
We can admire them by watching this video from 2:30 to 3:26:
visit link)