OLDEST -- Summer Theater in Denmark
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N 55° 04.053 E 010° 37.267
32U E 603521 N 6103509
Sommerrevy der har eksisteret siden 1883 - Summer Revival that has existed since 1883
Waymark Code: WMVWFB
Location: Denmark
Date Posted: 06/04/2017
Views: 6
Er man i Svendborg om sommeren, skal man benytte lejligheden til at tage i Danmarks ældste sommerteater. Der er en helt speciel atmosfære i det over 100 år gamle teater. Teatret blev bygget i 1883 mit i Caroline Amalielund skov eller Rottefælden, som den også kaldes. Rottefælden havde i mange år været et yndet sted for byens borgere at tage hen om sommeren på udflugt bl.a. holdt man en del skydekon-kurrencer.
Revyen som vi kender den idag fik sin start i 1849 københavn, men disse blev kun holdt i vinterhalvåret. Først i august 1873 fandt man på sommerrevyen, som siden har været en fast tradition rundt omkring på teatre o.a. i landet.
I 1883 tog skovbestyrelsen i Svendborg initiativ til at udvide forlystelserne i Rottefældeskoven med teater og revy. Dertil lod de arkitekten Henrik Wandall opfører bygningen til den flotte som af 12.600 kr., men det skulle vise sig at være en god investering, for allerede de første somre gav succes.
Kilde: (visit link)
ENGLISH: (google translate)
If you are in Svendborg in the summer, you should take the opportunity to go to Denmark's oldest summer theater. There is a very special atmosphere in the over 100 years old theater. The theater was built in 1883 in the Caroline Amalielund forest or the Rat trap, as it is also called. For many years, the rat trap had been a favorite place for the city's citizens to go out during the summer on excursion. Some of the shooters were kept.
The Revy as we know it today started in 1849 Copenhagen, but these were only held in the winter months. Only in August 1873 was the summer tour, which has since been a regular tradition around theaters, among others. In the country.
In 1883, the forest board in Svendborg took the initiative to expand the rides in the Rottefældeskoven with theater and revue. In addition, they let the architect Henrik Wandall build the building to the great as of $ 12,600, but it would turn out to be a good investment, for already the first summers were successful.
Source: (visit link)
Type of documentation of superlative status: http://www.svendborghistorie.dk/historier/andet/759-rottefaelden-caroline-amalielund
 Location of coordinates: Parkeringspladsen
 Web Site: [Web Link]

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