Vejstrup Valgmenighedskirke
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Svendborg
N 55° 06.560 E 010° 42.750
32U E 609242 N 6108297
Vejstrup Valgmenighedskirke er bygget i 1874-75 af kampesten fra markerne omkring Vejstrup. - Vejstrup congregation church was built in 1874-75 by the campestones from the fields around Vejstrup.
Waymark Code: WMVR8W
Location: Denmark
Date Posted: 05/22/2017
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Dorcadion Team
Views: 7

Da stifterne af valgmenigheden besluttede sig for at bygge egen kirke, besluttede de samtidig, at kirken skulle bygges af materialer fra deres egne marker. De samlede sten og kørte dem til kirken, hvor stenhuggere tilvirkede dem. Mange af menighedens medlemmer hjalp selv til ved byggeriet, og andre frikøbte en karl til at bistå med arbejdet. På bare 9 måneder var valgmenighedskirken færdigbygget og havde fået tegltårn, bygget af tegl fra det lokale Tiselholt Teglværk. Tårnet var imidlertid ikke så højt som først planlagt. Det vides ikke, hvorfor det ikke blev bygget i den planlagte højde, men man har muligvis ikke haft midler nok.

Kirken blev indviet den 21. marts 1875. Det var Palmesøndag, og den første salme, der blev sunget i kirkerummet var "Denne er dagen, som Herren har gjort" (DDS 403) af N.F.S. Grundtvig. Valgmenigheden holder årsmøde/generalforsamling så tæt på denne dato som muligt og det har længe været tradition, at årsmødet startes med fællessang af "Denne er dagen, som Herren har gjort". Der var iøvrigt barnedåb ved den første gudstjeneste i kirkens historie.

I 1925 gennemgik kirken en omfattende restaurering, hvor man bl.a. førte kirketårnet op til den planlagte højde, indlagde elektrisk lys og fik ny ramme om altertavlen, en imposant træudskæring, udført af træskærer Kofoed fra Rønne, Bornholm.

I 1957 blev kirken igen restaureret efter arkitekt Folke Olsens forslag, og i dag ser den i al væsentlighed ud som den er tænkt efter hans hoved. Alterbordet er lavet i moseeg, mens prædikestolen, bænkene med de små, udskårne bibelsymboler og orgelfacaden er lavet i eg.

I 1967 fik kirken et nyt Staruporgel og der blev indlagt centralvarme i kirken.

I 2003 blev der sat nye lamper op til erstatning for fire pendler, som havde hængt til fælles oplysning siden 1957.

Endelig blev der i 2004 lagt helt nyt gulv i kirken, således at der nu er teglstensgulv over hele kirkerummet og i våbenhuset.

Alterbilledet i kirken er malet af Christian Dalsgaard. Det er en illustration af evangeliets fortælling om Jesu besøg hos Martha og Maria. Under billedet er indskriften "Men eet er fornødent", som netop refererer til fortællingen. Alterbilledet fik man først i 1878. Indtil da klarede man sig med et Dannebrogsflag.

I kirken hænger to relieffer, fremstillet af billedhugger Gunnar Hansen. I koret hænger "Lad de små børn komme til mig" og på nordvæggen i kirkeskibet hænger "Jakobs kamp med englen".

When the founders of the electorate decided to build their own church, they also decided that the church should be built from materials from their own fields. They gathered stones and drove them to the church where the stone hooks produced them. Many members of the congregation helped themselves in the construction process, and others bought a man to assist with the work. In just 9 months the constituency church was completed and had a tile tower, built of bricks from the local Tiselholt Brickwork. However, the tower was not as high as planned. It is not known why it was not built at the planned height, but you may not have had enough funds.

The church was consecrated on March 21, 1875. It was Palm Sunday, and the first hymn sung in the church room was "This is the day the Lord has done" (DDS 403) by N.F.S. Grundtvig. The election committee holds the Annual General Meeting / General Assembly as close as possible to this date and it has long been a tradition that the annual meeting begins with the commonwealth of "This is the day the Lord has done." There was also childbirth at the first worship service in the church's history.

In 1925 the church reviewed a comprehensive restoration, where Led the church tower up to the planned height, embedded electric light and got a new frame on the altarpiece, an impressive woodcut, made by wood cutter Kofoed from Rønne, Bornholm.

In 1957, the church was restored after the suggestion of architect Folke Olsen, and today it looks essentially as it is thought after his head. The altar table is made of bog oak, while the pulpit, the benches with the small, carved Bible symbols and the organ facade are made in oak.

In 1967, the church received a new Starup organ and central heating was introduced to the church.

In 2003, new lamps were put in place for replacement for four commuters, which had been suspended since 1957.

Finally, new floors were put in the church in 2004, so that there is now brick floor throughout the church room and in the porch.

The altar image in the church is painted by Christian Dalsgaard. It is an illustration of the gospel narrative about Jesus' visit to Martha and Mary. Below the picture is the inscription "But one is needed", which just refers to the story. The altar picture was first obtained in 1878. Until then, you made a Dannebrog flag.

In the church there are two reliefs made by sculptor Gunnar Hansen. The choir hangs "Let the little children come to me" and on the north wall of the church ship hangs "Jacob's battle with the angel".
Active Church: Yes

School on property: No

Date Built: 03/21/1875

Service Times: Not listed

Website: Not listed

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