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N 55° 03.611 E 010° 36.431
32U E 602650 N 6102668
Vandskulptur udført i bronze og stål samt granitplader og natursten. - Water sculpture made of bronze and steel, granite and natural stone.
Waymark Code: WMVNQP
Location: Denmark
Date Posted: 05/10/2017
Views: 4
Kunstner: Keld Moseholm Jørgensen. Billedhugger bosiddende i Dyreborg ved Fåborg, født 1936 i Freltofte. Uddannet på Det fynske Kunstakademi og Kunstakademiet i København. Mest kendt for sine skulpturer med små tykke mænd. Hans skulpturer kan ses overalt i bybilledet i de fynske byer.
Datering: 1994
Type: Vandskulptur udført i bronze og stål samt granitplader og natursten, den forestiller 4 tykke mænd, der med hvert sit reb forsøger at holde en stor sten nede. Inskription på plakette: ”Vandkunst skænket af De Danske Gymnastik- og Idrætsforeninger og De Danske Skytteforeninger i anledning af Landsstævne 94 i Svendborg” og ”Kunstner: Keld Moseholm Jørgensen”.
Placering: Centrumpladsen, foran biografen.
Fakta: Skænket Svendborg by af De Danske Gymnastik og Idrætsforeninger og de Danske Skytteforeninger som tak for værtskabet ved Landsstævnet i 1994.
Artist: Keld Moseholm Jørgensen. Sculptor resident in Dyreborg near Fåborg, born 1936 in Freltofte. Graduated at the Fine Art Academy and the Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen. Most famous for its sculptures with little thick men. His sculptures can be seen everywhere in the cityscape of the Fynian cities.
Date: 1994
Type: Water sculpture made of bronze and steel, granite plates and natural stone, it represents 4 thick men who try to keep a large rock with each rope. Inscription on the plaque: "Water art donated by the Danish Gymnastics and Sport Associations and the Danish Shooting Associations in connection with the National Event 94 in Svendborg" and "Artist: Keld Moseholm Jørgensen".
Location: Centrumplein, in front of the cinema.
Facts: Gave the town of Svendborg by the Danish Gymnastics and Sport Associations and the Danish Shooting Associations, who thanked the hostess at the Landsstævnet in 1994.
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