Sand Mountain
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Volcanoguy
N 39° 16.516 W 118° 24.788
11S E 378107 N 4348275
History sign along U.S. Hwy. 50 at junction to the Sand Mountain Recreation Area.
Waymark Code: WMVH1V
Location: Nevada, United States
Date Posted: 04/18/2017
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member NW_history_buff
Views: 6

Sand Mountain history sign along U.S. Hwy. 50 at junction to the Sand Mountain Recreation Area.
Marker Title (required): Sand Mountain

Marker Number (If official State Marker from NV SHPO website above, otherwise leave blank): 10

Marker Text (required):
Sand Mountain dominates the Salt Wells Basin and is visible from Mt. Rose Peak in the Carson Range 82 miles to the west. The dune is important to off highway vehicle enthusiasts, biologists, Native Americans, and geologists. Sand Mountain is a sinuous transverse dune derived from Ice Age Lake Lahontan beach sands piled here by southwesterly-trending winds. The dune is the Stillwater Northern Paiutes’ Panitogogwa, a giant rattlesnake traveling to the northeast with the wind to its back. The snake can be heard as it moves toward its hole. A phenomenon geologists associate with “singing” sand dunes. The Sand Mountain Blue Butterfly is only found here where it depends on the Kearney Buckwheat plant. The dunes clearly marked the location of nearby Sand Springs. Improved and mapped in 1859 as a potential emigrant stop by Army Lieutenant James H. Simpson. Sand Springs later served as the location of the Sand Springs Pony Express Station in 1860 and the terminus of the 1866 Fort Churchill and Sand Springs Toll Road.

County (required): Churchill

Marker Type (required): Other (describe below)

Other Marker Type (optional): Concrete

Is Marker Damaged? (required): No

Other Damage Type (optional): NA

URL - Website (optional): Not listed

Visit Instructions:
  • The marker must be visited in order to log a Waymark
  • Pictures are optional, however, if adding a picture try to include one of a different perspective (e.g. different angle/season/lighting etc.)
  • Add any personal experience or research information that would enhance the history of the marker.
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