First Nations Trail Tree - West Kelowna, BC
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N 49° 50.528 W 119° 38.804
11U E 309707 N 5524438
This First Nation trail tree is located on Scharf Road about 160 metres off Glencoe Road.
Waymark Code: WMV5MQ
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Date Posted: 02/27/2017
Views: 24
The majority of land in West Kelowna and the surrounding area are owned by the Okanagan First Nation Band which occupied this land for centuries. The area around Glencoe Road is no exception. Though little information about this specific tree, it is distinct with its very pronounced curvature.
We photographed this tree about three years ago and it was leaning way over the nearby driveway. Under what circumstance this tree was cut is unknown, or perhaps it was just a annoyance.
It is most unfortunate it was cut, as we have since lost the photographs previous taken three years ago.