Facebook Thumbs Up Sign - Menlo Park, California
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member DougK
N 37° 28.939 W 122° 08.996
10S E 575155 N 4148719
This sign with the Thumbs Up logo stands at the entrance to the Facebook company headquarters.
Waymark Code: WMTXVQ
Location: California, United States
Date Posted: 01/20/2017
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member veritas vita
Views: 2

The entrance to Facebook is Bayfront Expressway and Willow Road. On the right at the entrance is this Thumbs Up sign. The Thumbs Up sign has become synonymous with Facebook "Likes". People come to this location to have their picture taken.

The sign can be seen in Google Street View.

Price of Admission: 0.00 (listed in local currency)

Roadside Attractions Website: [Web Link]

Location Website: [Web Link]

Weekday Hours: Not listed

Weekend Hours: Not listed

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