Loon Lake Cemetery
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member MNSearchers
N 43° 31.564 W 095° 05.645
15T E 330776 N 4821366
This is a historic site where early settlers of Jackson County in Mn were laid to rest. They left the security of civilized settlements to brave the new frontier.
Waymark Code: WMTXQ
Location: Minnesota, United States
Date Posted: 10/11/2006
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member OpinioNate
Views: 86

This cemetery which is located on a remote bluff on the eastern side of Loon Lake, is also known to many as "The Witches Graveyard." The cemetery is supposedly home to at least two local witches. One witch was Clarinda Allen who who died in 1885, and the second witch was Mary Jane Twiliger, who was reportedly beheaded in 1881, by the citizens of Petersburg, Minnesota, at the young age of eighteen.

Many of the grave sites in the cemetery have been vandalized and out of the approximately eighteen gravestones that remain standing, most are covered up by natural overgrowth.

This cemetery has a path leading to it but the cemetery itself is no longer cared for or maintained.

Almost every single picture i took of this cemetery was blurry for no reason. I probably got 1 or 2 that were not. Makes you wonder. Why did some turn out and others did not?
Some names on the graves were Julia Chandler, Infant Chandler, Lars Christensen, William Allen, Catherine Larson.
Earliest Burial: 06/28/1821

Latest Burial: 01/01/1926

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Take a photo of at least one grave marker and including a qualitative and quantitative description
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