German Red Cross (HQ Saarland regional association) - Saarbrücken, Germany
Posted by: kukus
N 49° 13.946 E 006° 59.352
32U E 353614 N 5455240
Headquarter for the Saarland regional association of German Red Cross.
Waymark Code: WMTB1D
Location: Saarland, Germany
Date Posted: 10/26/2016
Views: 13
Headquarter for the Saarland regional association (Landesverband Saarland) of German Red Cross in Saarbrücken.
Here, they are coordinating the service of volunteers as well as the service of their non-profit organisations, offering a wide range of assistance: ambulances, blood donation center, consulting for migrants, first aid trainings, meals on wheels, retirement homes, rescue dogs, and many more...
In 2016, they are celebrating their 150 years jubilee.
Due to the political situation after world war II, "Saarlandish Red Cross" was independent form the German Red Cross from 1947 til 1956.
Website: [Web Link]
Emblem(s): Red Cross
Type: Building
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