Cimetière militaire - Fontainebleau, France
Posted by: AlexEmilie
N 48° 24.705 E 002° 41.668
31U E 477390 N 5362111
Cimetière militaire à Fontainebleau, Seine-et-Marne.
Military Cemetery in Fontainebleau, Seine-et-Marne.
Waymark Code: WMT8FK
Location: Île-de-France, France
Date Posted: 10/14/2016
Views: 5
[FR] Cimetière militaire à Fontainebleau. Une partie du cimetière communale est réservée aux tombes des militaires. Un grand nombre de soldats morts durant les deux guerres mondiales, dont des membres des forces militaires du Commonwealth, y reposent.
[EN] Military Cemetery in Fontainebleau. Part of the communal cemetery is reserved for military graves. Many soldiers died during the two world wars, including members of the military forces of the Commonwealth, are buried.
Date cemetery was established: 1823
Visiting hours: lundi 07:30–18:00
mardi 07:30–18:00
mercredi 07:30–18:00
jeudi 07:30–18:00
vendredi 07:30–18:00
samedi 09:00–18:00
dimanche 09:00–18:00
Website pertaining to the cemetery: Not listed
Visit Instructions:
Please submit a photo(s) taken by you of your visit to the location (non-copyrighted photos only). GPS photos are also accepted with the location in the background, and old vacation photos are accepted. If you are not able to provide a photo, then please describe your visit or give a story about the visit.
We would also like to hear about any of your deceased family members who may be laid to rest in the cemetery.
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