Igreja de Nossa Senhora dos Prazeres - Aljubarrota, Portugal
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member razalas
N 39° 33.995 W 008° 55.886
29S E 505889 N 4379655
This Bell Tower belongs to the Igreja de Nossa Senhora dos Prazeres that is listed as Portuguese Heritage with the Public Interest Classification since 1959.
Waymark Code: WMT844
Location: Leiria, Portugal
Date Posted: 10/12/2016
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member MountainWoods
Views: 0



"O mais antigo templo de Aljubarrota foi presumivelmente construído no século XIII, época a que corresponde o elemento estilístico mais antigo - o portal principal, ainda levemente conotado com o Românico. No século XIV, a igreja foi procurada para última morada por uma importante família regional, que aqui instituiu capela, do lado da Epístola. Martim Palença e sua mulher repousam em arcas tumulares inseridas em arcossólios apontados, fazendo-se a comunicação com a igreja através de portal de arco quebrado. A tradição perpetuou a visão de D. Nuno Álvares Pereira a rezar na capela antes do crucial confronto nos campos de Aljubarrota, mas tal versão não está documentalmente comprovada. De resto, não consta que a igreja tenha sido objecto de qualquer reforma até aos meados do século XVI, altura em que se reconstruiu a nave e a torre sineira, incluindo a capela baptismal. Em 1596, regista-se nova capela privada de carácter tumular, desta vez patrocinada por Isabel Cordeiro, obra maneirista de algum impacto local, marcada por portal pilastrado de acesso ao interior e cobertura em abóbada de caixotões. A última grande fase de enriquecimento do templo ocorreu no período barroco. No século XVIII construíram-se dois corpos arquitectónicos adossados à cabeceira, mas que foram posteriormente demolidos, deles subsistindo alguns elementos dos portais. No interior, registaram-se as normais actualizações estéticas, com inclusão de novos retábulos do período joanino. Parcialmente restaurada na década de 70 do século XX, numa campanha que incluiu mais demolições que reconstruções, a igreja permanece por estudar em toda a linha, sendo certo que constitui um dos mais importantes marcos medievais do território inicialmente vinculado ao imenso Mosteiro de Alcobaça."

Fonte: http://www.patrimoniocultural.pt


This Bell Tower belongs to the Igreja de Nossa Senhora dos Prazeres. It is located in the right side of the main facade. The tower has a rectangular shape and is made of stone and the bottom part is painted white.

The oldest Aljubarrota temple was presumably built in the thirteenth century, a time corresponding to the oldest stylistic element - the main portal, still slightly connoted with the Romanesque. In the fourteenth century, the church has sought to final resting place for a major regional family who established here chapel on the Epistle side. Martim Palenca and his wife rest in tomb chests inserted at appointed arcosolia, making the communication with the church through the broken arch portal. The tradition has perpetuated the vision of Nuno Alvares Pereira to pray in the chapel before the crucial clash in the fields of Aljubarrota, but this version is not proven documentarily. Moreover, not in the church has been the subject of any reform to the mid-sixteenth century, when it was rebuilt the nave and the bell tower, including the baptismal chapel. In 1596, is registered new private chapel of a sepulchral character, this time sponsored by Isabel Cordeiro, Mannerist work of some local impact, marked by pilastrado gateway to the interior and cover coffered vault. The last major enrichment phase of the temple took place in the Baroque period. In the eighteenth century were built two architectonic bodies addorsed the head, but which were later demolished, their subsisting some elements of the portals. Inside, there were the usual aesthetic updates, with the inclusion of new altarpieces of joanino period. Partially restored in the 70s of the twentieth century, the church remains to study, given that is one of the most important medieval landmarks of the territory initially linked to the immense Alcobaça Monastery.

Translated with the help of Google from: http://www.patrimoniocultural.pt

Address of Tower:
Alcobaça, Leiria Portugal

Still Operational: yes

Number of bells in tower?: 4

Relevant website?: [Web Link]

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Tours or visits allowed in tower?: No

Visit Instructions:
Please post an original picture of the tower taken while you were there. Please also record how you came to be at this tower and any other interesting information you learned about it while there.
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