AMVETS Post #153 - Mokane, MO
Posted by: YoSam.
N 38° 40.533 W 091° 52.421
15S E 597975 N 4281374
This AMVET's location is a small compound, main building, pavilion and concession building, and huge memorial.
Waymark Code: WMT57A
Location: Missouri, United States
Date Posted: 09/28/2016
Views: 0
County of VSO: Callaway County
Location of VSO: Broad St., 1 block E. of Fulton Ave. (MO-C), Mokane
Phone: (573) 676-5959
For those who don't know VSO stand for Veterans Service Organization. The AMVETS are probably the least known to the general public, but are vary active and a major plus to the community.
This AMVETS post is under repair. The main building has been outgrown and a large addition is being attached to the eastern side of the entire length of the original.
This AMVTES has an bar and grill open to the public. It is on the old Katy Trail, and also, maybe more important, on Hwy 94.
For those not familiar with Missouri, MO-94 from St. Charles to Jefferson City is probably one of the most popular motorcycle rides in the area. On a bright sunny day, you will encounter hundreds of pairs, and threesomes riding in each direction, and of course as you pass Mokane, you must stop at the AMVETS for a quick lunch.