Naturama - Aarau, AG, Switzerland
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member fi67
N 47° 23.537 E 008° 03.088
32T E 428417 N 5249194
Naturama is the natural history museum of Aarau.
Waymark Code: WMRYQV
Location: Aargau, Switzerland
Date Posted: 08/24/2016
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member jeepers2
Views: 4

EN: Naturama is located in the center of Aarau, near the railway station.

It exhibits mainly the nature and landscape of the Canton of Aargau. Its story began in 1827 when several local naturalist combined their private collections to a public cabinet. The ever-growing collection moved frequently, until a permanent location near the train station was found in 1922. The Neo-Baroque building was created by architect Hans Hächler. In the 1950s, the building was extended. 1997-2002, the museum was passed over to a newly established foundation, the building wass renovated and a new extension built. In 2002 it was re-opened, with a modern exhibition philosophy that includes many multimedia exhibits.

DE: Das Naturama befindet sich im Zentrum von Aarau in der Nähe des Bahnhofs.

Es behandelt vorwiegend die Natur und Landschaft des Kantons Aargau. Seine Geschichte begann 1827, als verschiedene einheimische Naturforscher ihre privaten Sammlungen zu einem öffentlichen Kabinett vereinigten. Die ständig wachsende Sammlung zog öfters um, bis sie 1922 einen endgültigen Standort in der Nähe des Bahnhofs fand. Das neubarocke Gebäude stammt vom Architekten Hans Hächler. In den 1950er Jahren wurde das Gebäude erweitert. 1997 bis 2002 wurde das Museum einer neu gegründeten Stiftung übergeben, das Gebäude saniert und eine neuer Anbau errichtet. 2002 wurde es wiedereröffnet, mit einer modernen Ausstellungsphilosophie, die viele multimediale Exponate beinhaltet.
Admission Fees:
Adults CHF 11.00 Handicapped CHF 9.00 Students CHF 9.00 6-16 years CHF 5.00 under six years free. Reductions for groups.

Hours of operation:
Tue-Sun: 10:00 - 17:00

Services Provided:
Cafeteria, Gift shop

Parking: Not Listed

Visit Instructions:
There will be no requirement for posting a visit; but a photo of you with your GPS or just your GPS somewhere on the museum grounds or in the museum would be fun. Preferrably at the entrance or near the museum sign. Actually going IN the museum is also NOT required for posting a log.
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