North Country Trail - Shindagin Hollow State Forest, Caroline, NY
Posted by: ripraff
N 42° 19.921 W 076° 21.057
18T E 388700 N 4687524
This access is in Shindagin Hollow State Forest. It is marked for both the Finger Lakes Trail and The North Country Trail. There are 5.7 miles of the trail in this state forest.
Waymark Code: WMRQ24
Location: New York, United States
Date Posted: 07/21/2016
Views: 6
visit link)
"NCT/FLT-Onondaga Branch Trail carries the user to the main branch of the white blazed Finger Lakes Trail (FLT), they’ve reached the first of several long-established, well-developed trails that the NCNST overlays; the FLT is one of the best developed by private interests. From the Onondaga Trail junction, usable trail stretches southwestward nearly 460 miles. The majority of this trail is on New York’s Finger Lakes Trail System. The FLT is an east-west footpath system across the state from the Catskills in the east to the Alleganys in the west. It passes south of the Finger Lakes, and has several branches extending north of the main east-west route. The trail passes through some of the most varied and beautiful country in the east — forests, lakes, glacially sculpted hills and valleys, secluded glens and waterfalls."