SI - Old Disco - Trail, British Columbia
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N 49° 06.067 W 117° 41.064
11U E 450042 N 5438922
This old disco dance hall and the Space Invader art can be found off Hwy. 3B and McBride Street. Turn north and take the first road on your right and continue to small creek, about 210 metres.
Waymark Code: WMRPD0
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Date Posted: 07/17/2016
Views: 10
Today we decided to look for the Disco cache (again). DNF, however as we headed for the stairs, much to our surprise was this SI spaceship.
This is a favorite hangout for kids, as evident of all the graffiti and the broken bottles that once were part of the disco decor.
Tucked away and out of sight from the road, part of the building is all that remain and the memories of a past era. If you listen carefully maybe you will hear the beat of the music echo among the ruins.