SI - rue Serge Gainsbourg Clermond-Ferrand France
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Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Alfouine
N 45° 47.333 E 003° 05.923
31T E 507673 N 5070596
Magnifique portrait de Serge Gainsbourg avec un Space Invader en fumée. Beautiful portrait of Serge Gainsbourg with a Space Invader in smoke.
Waymark Code: WMREC7
Location: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
Date Posted: 06/18/2016
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Chickilim
Views: 101

De loin le plus beau space invader de ma connaissance, la mosaïque est somptueuse et rend hommage à un immense artiste parti en fumée rejoindre l'espace de nos amis aliens.
By far the most beautiful space invader of my knowledge, the mosaic is sumptuous and pays tribute to a great artist gone up in smoke join the area of our alien friends.
Rue Serge Gainsbourg
Clermond-Ferrand, France


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JMRetSB visited SI - rue Serge Gainsbourg Clermond-Ferrand France 09/29/2017 JMRetSB visited it