Biblioteca Municipal Doutor Carlos Nunes Ferreira - [Alcanena, Santarém, Portugal]
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member AlexCatarina
N 39° 27.432 W 008° 40.107
29S E 528523 N 4367567
Biblioteca Municipal de Alcanena.
Waymark Code: WMQQKF
Location: Santarém, Portugal
Date Posted: 03/19/2016
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Dorcadion Team
Views: 1

Biblioteca Municipal Doutor Carlos Nunes Ferreira - [Alcanena, Santarém, Portugal]

Biblioteca pertencente à rede de bibliotecas Calouste Gulbenkian. Funciona no Centro Cívico do Momento Associativo.

Library belonging to the network of Calouste Gulbenkian libraries. It works at the Civic Center Associative moment .

This page was generated by Geocaching Portugal Listing Generator
Classification of Library: Public Library (Open to all)

Internet access available: Unknown - Could not verify

Additional Internet Connection Options: Not listed

Hours of Operation: Not listed

Approximate date of opening.: Not listed

Library Website: Not listed

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