The Blue Lotus - Tuido, Portugal
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member kallehaugerne
N 42° 00.402 W 008° 38.255
29T E 530011 N 4650583
LP cover with The Blue Lotus on the wall in a little bar in northern Portugal.
Waymark Code: WMQMKF
Location: Braga, Portugal
Date Posted: 03/03/2016
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Marine Biologist
Views: 10

During my Camino walk in Portugal I took a rest here at the bar. To my surprise I saw a LP cover on the wall depicting Tintin and the Blue Lotus. The text on the cover is in French.

When I was a child I listened to dramatized versions of the Tintin books on casette tapes and LP records which I took out from the local library. I guess this LP must be a French edition of a radio play like the ones I listened to.

Please take a look at the link below. It doesn't tell much but I think it is the same LP that I saw at the bar.
Type of waymark: Item

Which title does the waymark relate to?: The Blue Lotus

Relevant website if any: [Web Link]

Physical address of item/location:
R. da Veiga.
Tuido, Portugal

Entrance fee: 0.00 (listed in local currency)

A true Tintin fan?: I AM Tintin!

Other: Not listed

Opening hours: Not listed

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