Brasão de Belmonte - [Belmonte, Castelo Branco, Portugal]
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member AlexCatarina
N 40° 21.635 W 007° 20.912
29T E 640227 N 4469088
Brasão da vila de Belmonte no jardim junto ao castelo.
Waymark Code: WMQ4X5
Location: Castelo Branco, Portugal
Date Posted: 12/20/2015
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Dorcadion Team
Views: 1

Brasão de Belmonte - [Belmonte, Castelo Branco, Portugal]

Belmonte é uma vila portuguesa no Distrito de Castelo Branco, região Centro e sub-região da Cova da Beira, com cerca de 3 100 habitantes.

É sede de um município com 118,76 km² de área e 6 859 habitantes (2011), subdividido em 4 freguesias. O município é limitado a norte pelo município da Guarda, a leste pelo Sabugal, a sudoeste pelo Fundão e a oeste pela Covilhã.

A história da vila remonta ao século XII, quando o concelho municipal recebeu foral de D. Sancho I em 1199.

Belmonte e a vizinha Covilhã, apesar de situados no interior de Portugal estão conotados como poucas regiões portuguesas com os Descobrimentos marítimos Portugueses. Entre as curiosidades que permeiam a história da vila está o facto de que o descobridor do Brasil no século XV, o navegador Pedro Álvares Cabral, ter nascido em Belmonte

Belmonte is a Portuguese village in the District of Castelo Branco , in the Centre region and sub- region of Cova da Beira, with about 3100 inhabitants.

It is the seat of a municipality with 118.76 km ² and 6859 inhabitants ( 2011) , subdivided into 4 parishes . The municipality is limited to the northern city of Guarda, at Sabugal east , southwest and west by Fundão for Covilha .

The history of the village dates back to the twelfth century , when the city council received a charter from King Sancho I in 1199 .

Belmonte and nearby Covilha, although situated within Portugal are connoted as few Portuguese regions with the Portuguese maritime discoveries. Among the curiosities that permeate the history of the town is the fact that Brazil's discoverer in the fifteenth century , Pedro Alvares Cabral , was born in Belmonte.

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Bearer of Coat of Arms: Town

Full name of the bearer: Belmonte

Where is Coat of Arms installed (short description) ?:
In a garden near the Belmonte Castle

Material / Design: Stone

Belmonte Castelo Branco Portugal

Web page about the bearer of Coat of Arms (if exists): [Web Link]

Blazon (heraldic description): Not listed

Web page about the structure where is Coat of Arms installed (if exists): Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Logging requirements: Please upload your own personal photo of the coat of arms. You or your GPS can be in the picture, but it’s not a requirement.
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bmps2003 visited Brasão de Belmonte - [Belmonte, Castelo Branco, Portugal] 07/26/2015 bmps2003 visited it