World War I Memorial, War Plaza, Nashville, TN
Posted by: Thorny1
N 36° 09.864 W 086° 47.046
16S E 519418 N 4002204
World War I Memorial with statue and plaques recognizing the Sons of Tennessee who fought and died in the Great War.
Waymark Code: WMQ2V
Location: Tennessee, United States
Date Posted: 09/10/2006
Views: 73
Located in the War Plaza, across the street from the State Capital, this memorial is dedicated "In Memory Of The Sons of Tennessee Who Gave Their Lives In The Great War 1914 - 1918". On the walls surrounding the statue are listed all of the men who served in the Armed Forces during this period.
A very moving memorial. The War Plaza is enscribed with these words over the entrance "America Is Privileged To Spend Her Blood And Her Might For The Principles That Gave Her Birth And Happiness And The Peace Which She Has Treasured"
Date the Monument or Memorial was built or dedicated: 01/01/1920
Private or Public Monument?: Government
Name of the Private Organization or Government Entity that built this Monument: State of Tennessee
Geographic Region where the Monument is located: North America
Physical Address of Monument: 301 6th Ave North Nashville, TN United States 37243
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Website for this Monument: Not listed
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