Simcoe North Dakota
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N 48° 09.407 W 100° 51.869
14U E 361342 N 5335407
Located on highway 41 1/2 way between highways 2 and 52.
Waymark Code: WMPWQ
Location: North Dakota, United States
Date Posted: 09/08/2006
Views: 66
I can't give much detail about Simcoe accept my parents at one time lived there. Their house is no longer there and all that remains of the town are a few old boarded up buildings, a church and a house or two. This town was never very big but I will guess it was at least 150 people in its day. My father was the depot agent and as of this time there is no depot there. Although there is grain elevators which appear to not be in use. There was a train on the siding and that train had been there for more than a few hours.
Simcoe is located north of Velva ND and south of Granville ND on highway 41.
Reason for Abandonment: Economic
 Date Abandoned: 01/01/1965
 Related Web Page: Not listed

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