Home of football - GA Eagles - Deventer, NL
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member h35per05
N 52° 15.570 E 006° 10.368
32U E 307055 N 5793666
Behind these gates lies the Adelaarshorst (EN: 'Eagles den') which is the home of the Dutch football club GA Eagles.
Waymark Code: WMPVR2
Location: Overijssel, Netherlands
Date Posted: 10/26/2015
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Jake39
Views: 8

The 'Adelaarshorst' is a footballstadium in Deventer, NL located at the Vetkampstraat. The stadium is home to the Go Ahead Eagles since 1920.
The gate is black and made from iron. Over the full width of the gate sits the invitational phrase '[ Home of ][ Football ]' in gold letters. The design is a composition of elongated rectangles; the complete gate measures about 2.5m high and 3m wide. The gate comprises the GAE logo in each door and is further decorated with curled ribbons.
Location of this 'Gate': On private property

Type of material: Iron

Enter any comments or observation about this gate.: Home of football

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h35per05 visited Home of football - GA Eagles - Deventer, NL 10/26/2015 h35per05 visited it

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