Champs Dierre (Centre Val de Loire, France)
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member Dragon Ball
N 47° 21.462 E 000° 56.174
31T E 344153 N 5246980
champs de cultures où les moines de jadis cultivés...
Waymark Code: WMPTZ5
Location: Centre-Val-de-Loire, France
Date Posted: 10/20/2015
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member lumbricus
Views: 33

J'ai eu la chance de participer à une journée de détection et j'y ai trouvé un Double Tournois...
Date site was found: 10/20/2015

Depth item was found: 10cm

Item rating: common

Item condition: poor

Estimated value of item found: low

Search this area again: yes

Item want list: keep

Description of item's found:
piece de monnaie "double tournois" en cuivre

Comments about the item found:
LOUIS XIII (ludovicus) double tournois 1638 mauvais etat

Equipment used: Garrett ACE 250

coin 1: double tournois

coin 2: balle de magnum

coin 3: piece de machine a tisser

coin 4: double tournois

coin 5: boucle de ceinture

coin 6: Not listed

coin 7: Not listed

coin 8: Not listed

coin 9: Not listed

coin 10: Not listed

artefact 1: Not listed

artefact 2: Not listed

artefact 3: Not listed

artefact 4: Not listed

artefact 5: Not listed

artefact 6: Not listed

artefact 7: Not listed

artefact 8: Not listed

artefact 9: Not listed

artefact 10: Not listed

Location of find-address,city,state,zip,country,county: Not listed

Location notes: Not listed

Land ownership: Not listed

Contact information of land owner: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Here are some guidelines, you can use to help you to log your waymarks, if you like. You can put a waymark at the centre of the site, or at the location of a random find, or at all your finds so you can put the Latitude and Longitude on a map to see where all your finds or at. The date item was found: Item rating-common,scarce,very rare: Item condition-poor,good,fine,vfine: Estimated value of item found: Item want list-sell,keep,trade: Description of item found: Comments about the item found: Lo
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