Insect hotel - Olst, NL
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member h35per05
N 52° 18.560 E 006° 07.149
32U E 303614 N 5799352
Near the 'Bloemenweide' (a butterfly garden) this insect hotel was placed by the IJssellandschap foundation.
Waymark Code: WMPFR0
Location: Overijssel, Netherlands
Date Posted: 08/24/2015
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Tante.Hossi
Views: 3

The 'Bloemenweide' was created by foundation 'IJssellandschap' to enhance the diversity in both plants and insects.
The surroundings offer the insects a place for propagation and winter shelter. With a little luck you might see a small falcon hunt for dragon flies. By cutting the weeds at various times throughout the year and not cutting some spots at all, there is always shelter.
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h35per05 visited Insect hotel - Olst, NL 08/24/2015 h35per05 visited it