Dronningens Gate 17 - Oslo, Norway
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Marine Biologist
N 59° 54.653 E 010° 44.801
32V E 597680 N 6642774
This small blue plaque for Dronningens Gate 17 is located in Oslo, Norway.
Waymark Code: WMPD58
Location: Oslo, Norway
Date Posted: 08/11/2015
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member borospeti
Views: 11

The blue plaque reads:

Ansvarlig Selskap
Dronningens Gate 17
Medlem i Oslo Byes Vel
Støtter Arbeidet Med å
Formidle Kunnskap om Oslo
Verne og Videreutvikle
Byens Bygningskultur
og Urbane Miljø
Stiftet 1811

[English Translation:]
Responsible Company
Dronningensgate 17
Members of Oslo Byes Vel
Support Efforts to
Convey Knowledge about Oslo
and Verne and Develop
City Building Culture
and Urban Environment
Founded in 1811
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