Höhenmarke Bürgermeister-Smidt-Gedächtniskirche — Bremerhaven, Germany
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N 53° 32.652 E 008° 34.743
32U E 472106 N 5932893
An old benchmark (Höhenfestpunkt) right of the main door of the neo-gothic "Bürgermeister-Smidt-Gedächtniskirche" in Bremerhaven
Waymark Code: WMPBWZ
Location: Bremen, Germany
Date Posted: 08/06/2015
Views: 20
An old benchmark (Höhenfestpunkt) right of the main door of the neo-Gothic Bürgermeister-Smidt-Gedächtniskirche - also called Große Kirche - in Bremerhaven.
The benchmark was part of the network "Königlich Preußische Landesaufnahme" (Royal Prussian ordnance survey), responsible for the production of topographic mapping and the necessary survey work in the German Reich (except Bavaria) from 1875-1919. The inscription of the benchmark is:
In the centre was formerly a plaque with the height specified, however this is missing here.
Visit Instructions:
1. A closeup photo of the waymark with your GPS, or (a part of) you in it, is required.
2. An area photo including the waymark in the view is highly appreciated.
Logs not meeting the requirements are considered arm chair visits and are therefor subject for deletion.