Kazemat IJssellinie 'Firefly' - Olst, NL
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member h35per05
N 52° 18.719 E 006° 06.465
32U E 302849 N 5799677
Concrete encased Sherman tank as part of the IJssellinie.
Waymark Code: WMNVPQ
Location: Overijssel, Netherlands
Date Posted: 05/08/2015
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member PTCrazy
Views: 5

The english Sherman Firefly was an improved version of the American Sherman M4. This tank was left behind after WWII and in the earkly 50's used to build a defense line against the Russians in the Cold War period (1948 - 1989). Originally, the tank could fire 17-pound rounds and battle with the German Tigers. Here the engine was removed and the moving turret was encased in concrete as part of the IJssellinie. The IJssellinie was an inundation defense and was realised in 1950 - 1968 during the Cuba crisis. Various weapons were employed: the 76.2mm anti-tank cannon, the water-cooled Vickers or Browning machine gun .30 or the air-cooled Bren or Browning machine gun .30. The crew would be sleeping near the turret in tents.
What type of artillery is this?: Concrete encased Sherman Firefly tank

Where is this artillery located?: Other

What military of the world used this device?: Dutch

Parking location to view this Waymark: N 52° 18.719 W 006° 06.468

Artillery is no longer operational: yes

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Date artillery was in use: Not listed

Date artillery was placed on display: Not listed

Cost?: Not Listed

Still may work: Not Listed

Visit Instructions:
Two pictures are required for this Waymark. Please take a close up picture of the artillery. Take a second with the artillery in the distance and capture as much of the surroundings as possible. Name the Waymark with first the name of the area and second what the artillery is. An example would be if it were a cannon in front of the Montgomery Armory you would name the Waymark: Montgomery Armory Cannon.
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Team PiepMuis visited Kazemat IJssellinie 'Firefly' - Olst, NL 04/21/2017 Team PiepMuis visited it
h35per05 visited Kazemat IJssellinie 'Firefly' - Olst, NL 05/08/2015 h35per05 visited it

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