Kosciól sw. Leonarda - Busko-Zdrój, Poland
Posted by: GeoLog81
N 50° 28.153 E 020° 42.727
34U E 479569 N 5590842
The wooden church of St. Leonard was build in year 1699. It is protected as a relic and is a part of wooden architecture trail.
Waymark Code: WMNPDN
Location: Świętokrzyskie, Poland
Date Posted: 04/13/2015
Views: 5
The church was build in year 1699. It's a log-house constrution with formwork walls and the roof made of shakes. There are no regular God Services or visiting times. The church is only occasionally opened for visitors, and that event is usually announced in written form on the information table.
Kosciól sw. Leonarda pochodzi z roku 1699. Jest zbudowany w konstrukcji zrebowej, jednonawowej. Dach pokryty gontem, sciany szalowane. Nie ma regularnych mszy ani zwiedzan. Terminy zwiedzania sa oglaszane z wyprzedzeniem na tablicy informacyjnej.
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