Wee R Sweetz - Myrtle Beach, SC
N 33° 42.957 W 078° 52.981
17S E 696165 N 3732673
Wee R Sweetz is located at Broadway at the Beach Shopping Center, 1203 Celebrity Circle, unit #N154
Myrtle Beach, SC
Waymark Code: WMNHE5
Location: South Carolina, United States
Date Posted: 03/18/2015
Views: 9
Wee R Sweetz is most known for its homemade salt water taffy. The taffy that we make is made from scratch in house. The process is simple yet complicated, the ingredients are simple the process is complicated. The machines that we use in the store to make the taffy are over 90 years old. This is what draws people into the store; the sound of the machines, the smell of the candy, and of course the amazing taste. When you walk in the store you see someone making the taffy and running the machines. As soon as you step into the store a piece of taffy is thrown at you to sample. This is what people remember it’s not just taffy it’s the whole experience that people receive when they come to the store. Although Wee-R-Sweetz is known for our salt water taffy we also make homemade fudge, chocolates, and dipped fruits. From (
visit link)
Choose from 26 delicious flavors.
Half pound box - $4.75
14oz Box - $9.25
1.5 Pound Tub - $15.95
Visit Instructions:
A PHOTO OF THE MACHINE IS REQUIRED. An actual visit to the machine is required to log this waymark. Please let us know if you sample the taffy, and what you like or disliked. Is there something unique about this machine? Anything unique about the taffy it makes? Is it still in operation?