Spartanburg County War Memorial, Spartanburg, South Carolina
N 34° 56.390 W 081° 54.562
17S E 416956 N 3866748
The Spartanburg County War Memorial is in memory of the fallen from the First World War, the Second World War, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War.
Waymark Code: WMN2Z
Location: South Carolina, United States
Date Posted: 08/22/2006
Views: 29
The Spartanburg County War Memorial is located in Duncan Park in Spartanburg, South Carolina. It was built and erected in 1995 by the Future Farmers of America students from nearby Dorman High School in cooperation with the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Daughters of Veterans, and the City of Spartanburg.
The top section of the memorial reads:
In memory of and dedicated to those brave citizens of Spartanburg County who gave their lives in the defense of their country during WWI WWII Korea Vietnam.
The middle section of the memorial indicates the six branches of military service.
The bottom section of the memorial reads:
These soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines gave up their freedom yesterday in order that we can enjoy our freedom today.
The names of the men and women are listed on the panels to the left and right of the main memorial.
Date the Monument or Memorial was built or dedicated: 01/01/1995
Private or Public Monument?: Private
Name of the Private Organization or Government Entity that built this Monument: Future Farmers of America students of Dorman High School
Geographic Region where the Monument is located: North America
Physical Address of Monument: Union Street and Duncan Park Drive Spartanburg, South Carolina United States of America 29301
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Website for this Monument: Not listed
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