Keytesville Calaboose & Necessary House - Keytesville, MO
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member YoSam.
N 39° 26.008 W 092° 56.342
15S E 505247 N 4364882
This city block is controlled by the local historic society and has this jail, a log cabin and the NRHP Presbyterian Church
Waymark Code: WMN0M3
Location: Missouri, United States
Date Posted: 12/03/2014
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Geo Ferret
Views: 2

County of marker: Chariton County
Location of Marker: N. Park St., between Hill St. & Finnell Dr., Keytesville
Marker erected by The Friends of Keytesville, Inc

Marker Text:

The Keytesville Calaboose (A Spanish word for "Little Dungeon") was the city's own miniature jail, used to house and control unruly citizens or to allow drunken citizens to regain sobriety. The building is constructed of walnut 2" by 4" boards that are laid on top of each other, so that the walls are solid and 4" thick. The small, high window openings are covered with metal bars. There are two floors in the calaboose, with each floor being constructed of 2" thick floors together are 4" thick. When used for its original purpose, at the end of Prohibition, the building was located on Water Street, a block and a half south of Bridge Street, where it stood beside a famous nightclub called "The White House." It was quite convenient for the town marshal to remove unruly patrons from the nightclub and transport them next door to the calaboose. When the City of Keytesville ceased using the calaboose in the early 1950's, the structure was purchased by various private individuals and used for the next 50 years as a garden shed or a tool shed. It was located at several different places in town depending on what individual happened to own it at the time. In the 1990's, Harold and Glenda Sutton purchased property that had the building located on it, and recognizing its significance to Keytesville's history, donated the building to the Friends of Keytesville, Inc. who had the structure moved to its current location
This authentic outhouse (Privy) was located on the farm of W.R. Hechler of Dalton, Missouri, and was donated to the Friends of Keytesville, Inc. for display by Ron and Susie Cox of Dalton, Missouri

History of Mark:
Please see above

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