Lowenstein Mansion - 4E 114
Posted by: SirFrog
N 35° 08.575 W 090° 02.136
15S E 770076 N 3892915
Elias Lowenstien founder of Lowenstiens Dept stores.
Waymark Code: WMMHQ
Location: Tennessee, United States
Date Posted: 08/18/2006
Views: 109
Born in Germany in 1835. Elias Lowenstein emigrated to Memphis in 1854. The firm which he headed, B. Lowenstein and Bros. Department Store, was Prominent in Memphis for 125 years. A leader in the Jewish community, he served as president of Temple Isreal for 15 years. He contributed liberally to rebuilding the city after the disastrous 1870's yellow fever epidemics. In 1891 Elias Lowenstein built this mansion which is the cities most important Victorian Romanesque residence and one of the finest of its styles in the South. After his death in 1919, his family donated it to the Nineteenth Century Club for use as a residence for young working women who did not have family in the city and, therefore, under social customs of the day were expected to live in a protected environment. A porch with cupola was removed in 1929 for cunstruction of an annex.
Marker Name: Lowenstien Mansion
Marker Location: City
Type of Marker: Building
Marker Number: 4E 114
Group(s) Responsible for placing Marker: Tennessee Historical Commission
Visit Instructions:
At minimum, your visit must consist of a picture of the marker itself or anything referenced on the marker plus additional information you may have learned about the waymark topic. (You and your GPS receiver do not need to be in the picture, but can.)