Roswell Cemetery
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N 43° 59.662 W 097° 41.505
14T E 604898 N 4872079
The Rosewell Cemetery is located Section 17, Township 106, Range 57. The name of the controlling organization: Incorporated Town of Roswell.
Waymark Code: WMMGW
Location: South Dakota, United States
Date Posted: 08/17/2006
Views: 27
General appearance: delapidated and over grown with weeds and grass.
Woven wire fence on 3 sides, fence on north side torn down by road crew and left. No drive to cemetery.
June 13, 1902 is the given date of the organization of the cemetery.
Earliest Burial: 03/21/1886
 Latest Burial: 01/01/1938

Visit Instructions:
Take a photo of at least one grave marker and including a qualitative and quantitative description