Gateway to the Rockies - Laramie, WY
Posted by: bluesnote
N 41° 14.222 W 105° 26.133
13T E 463501 N 4565161
This is one of a few markers at the I-80 rest area.
Waymark Code: WMMBNX
Location: Wyoming, United States
Date Posted: 08/27/2014
Views: 8
The marker says, "Tall trees, short trees, shrubs, grasses and flowering plants -- mountains, canyons, river bottoms, and prairies -- all intermingle to form the landscape. The greater the variety of landforms and vegetation, the more homes or habitats there are for wildlife.
the large expanses of native wildland habitats make Wyoming unique and the home to over 600 species of native wildlife.
Here at the Gateway to the Rockies you will see animals of the conifer forest. The golden-crowned kinglet is found nesting and feeding atop the forest canopy in the older, taller evergreen trees. Other birds nest and feed here, some in shrubs and some on the ground. Woodpeckers hammer on trees building nest cavities. Other species of birds and mammals use there holes for nesting and shelter. Birds consume insects which can harm trees.
Dead trees, both standing and fallen, provide homes for wildlife, too. A last contribution before nutrients are returned to the soil.
Elk and mule deer feed at dusk and again at dawn in forest openings. The nearby forest is used as cover.
Beyond this gateway we pass into the rich land and plant diversity offered by the Rocky Mountains and its many basins. The Rocky mountains are beautiful, majestic and powerful, but they are also a crucial part of this fragile formula. These Rock Mountain habitats are the reason for much of Wyoming's Wildlife."
Marker Name: Gateway to the Rockies
Marker Type: Rural Roadside
Group Responsible for Placement: Wyoming's Wildlife - Worth the Watching.
Web link(s) for additional information: [Web Link]
Addtional Information: Not listed
Date Dedicated: Not listed
Marker Number: Not listed
Visit Instructions:
Please post a photo of you OR your GPS at the marker location. Also if you know of any additional links not already mentioned about this bit of Wyoming history please include that in your log.