Spirit of the American Doughboy - Helena-West Helena, AR
N 34° 31.752 W 090° 35.168
15S E 721546 N 3823481
Spirit of the American Doughboy statue standing in the middle of the intersection of Cherry and Perry Streets, Helena-West Helena, AR.
Waymark Code: WMKMAN
Location: Arkansas, United States
Date Posted: 05/01/2014
Views: 4
While this statue is standing in the middle of the street, it is just feet away from the Phillips County Courthouse grounds. It lacks any kind of plate with Viquesney's copyright or signature, but is documented here (credit to them for the details here). (
visit link) The Doughboy looks right down historic Cherry Street, and the dedication plaque also facing in that direction says:
Erected in Honor
The Men & Women
Phillips County
Who Served in the
World War
The Doughboy was dedicated July 10, 1927. Acquisition of the monument was sponsored by Phillips County Memorial Association, the 7-Generals Chapter of United Daughters of the Confederacy, and the City of Helena. A part of the rifle barrel and the bayonet are missing, and the statue could benefit from some cleaning. Interestingly, the Helena Doughboy is one of only two specifically designated Viquesney Doughboys on the National Register of Historic Places.