Churches of Ilasco, MO
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member YoSam.
N 39° 40.278 W 091° 18.580
15S E 644979 N 4392641
An American melting pot, which drew people from seven countries.
Waymark Code: WMKM7R
Location: Missouri, United States
Date Posted: 05/01/2014
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member iconions
Views: 5

County of churches: Ralls County
Location of marker: MO 79, Ilasco,
Marker erected by: Their Descendants
Date marker erected: 1999

Marker text:

1883 - 1929   Marble Creek Methodist Church South
1903 - 1906   Salvation Army Mission Church
1906 - 1910   Baptist Mission Church
1910 - 1926   Holiness Mission Church
1911 - 1971   Dr. Martin Luther Slovak Lutheran Church
1915 - 1996   Holy Cross Catholic Church
1919 - 1924   St. Peters Ukrainian Orthodox Church
1925 - 1967   Church of the Nazarene
1927 - ....   Ilasco Methodist Church

Today only two church buildings remain. The Methodist church, which is still active, and Holy Cross Catholic Church. Holy Cross is a closed parish, but the church is used occasionally for funerals, and on the day I was there - a wedding.

Web link: [Web Link]

History of Mark:
"ILASCO was created in 1903. Large numbers of Romanian, Slovak, Italian, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Polish, Croatian and other immigrants joined native-born residents drawn here by jobs at the Atlas Portland Cement Plant. ILASCO through its churches, schools, folklore, languages, fraternal socities, cuisines and daily life, left a rich working-class culture heritage that made it unique in Missouri. The community's name is an acronym for some of the cement manufacturing ingredients (Iron, Lime, Alumina, Silica, Calcium, and Oxygen). ILASCO was converted into a company town in 1921 and dissolved in 1963." ~ Ilasco Historical Marker, Dedicated October, 1999

Additional point: Not Listed

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