Ocoee Blue Holes
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N 35° 03.591 W 084° 27.810
16S E 731317 N 3882622
Blue Holes located near the Ocoee Whitewater Center
Waymark Code: WMK2
Location: Tennessee, United States
Date Posted: 08/26/2005
Views: 67
The Ocoee Blue Holes have been popular swimming holes for many years. It used to be free to park and swim here, but in 1996 they held the Olympic white water games here and it has since been taken over by the state, so there is a $3 day use fee, but it is well worth it for the experience.
There are many very nice blue holes to swim in, the most popular area has large rocks with holes worn by the river currents that you can swim through and come up on the other side of the rock.
The area is also the trail head to the Tanasi Trail system, which is over 30 miles of hiking and mountain biking. Plan to spend most of a day here, bring a picnic, and some good shoes to rock hop with.
There is also a geocache here, one of my most well received: Ocoee Rock Hop - GCJQA7
You will have to visit during the week though, because TVA releases the dam water on weekends for rafters and kayakers.