Monument to Farina's curve - Brno, Czech Republic
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member ALMOR team
N 49° 11.681 E 016° 31.255
33U E 610807 N 5450211
Farinova zatacka Brno / Farina's curve Brno
Waymark Code: WMK1BF
Location: Jihomoravský kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 01/29/2014
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Outspoken1
Views: 53

Cast puvodniho Masarykova okruhu v Brne.
Pojmenovana po prvnim mistru sveta Formule 1, Giuseppe Farinovi, ktery v teto zatacce v roce 1949 havaroval, vysledek 2 mrtvi a 12 zranenych divaku. Dne 26.09.2010 byl v tomto miste slavnostne odhalen pamatnik.
Zde si muzete prohlednout historicke fotky zatacky ( Visit link ) , nebo se podivat na video
puvodniho okruhu ( Visit link )

Zdroj: ( Visit link )

A monument to "Farina’s Curve" was unveiled at Brno’s former racing circuit on 26.09.2010.
The curve, part of the old Masaryk racing circuit Brno, was named after the Italian car racing driver Giuseppe "Nino" Farina soon after he crashed his car there in 1949, killing two spectators and injuring 12 others.
A year later, Farina went on to become the first ever champion of the newly established Formula One.
The circuit, built in 1930, stopped being used for races in 1987 when the new Masaryk Circuit was inaugurated, and is now used for regular traffic.
See the historic photos curve ( Visit link ) or video old circuit ( Visit link )

Source: ( Visit link )
Price of Admission: 0.00 (listed in local currency)

Roadside Attractions Website: [Web Link]

Weekday Hours: Not listed

Weekend Hours: Not listed

Location Website: Not listed

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