First Grist Mill in Weber County ~ 113
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member brwhiz
N 41° 14.540 W 111° 56.878
12T E 420566 N 4566092
This Plaque, placed by the Daughters of Utah Pioneers, is mounted on a concrete wall at remnants of the first grist mill installed in Weber County.
Waymark Code: WMJNEN
Location: Utah, United States
Date Posted: 12/08/2013
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member JacobBarlow
Views: 3

Daughters of Utah Pioneers
No. 113
Erected 1948
First Grist Mill in Weber County

This flour mill was built in the fall of 1850 by Lorin Farr, first mayor of Ogden, and continued to operate till 1862. There was a 30x40 foot two story building of lumber and rock. The grain was ground by the use of burrs several of which were set up.
Weber County Company.
Marker Name: First Grist Mill in Weber County

Marker Number: 113

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