China Wok House
N 56° 27.629 E 010° 02.131
32V E 563811 N 6257812
China Wok House er en af de ældste kinesiske restauranter i Randers - China Wok House is one of the oldest Chinese restaurants in Randers
Waymark Code: WMJER3
Location: Denmark
Date Posted: 11/09/2013
Views: 8
Hyggeligt kinesisk restuarant i centrum af Randers. Som jeg husker det har restauranten "altid ligget her"! Det vil sige mindst de sidste 25-30 år og den er også rigtig populær. Man kan bestille menuer, men stedet har også en buffet. Kinesisk mad tilpasset danskernes smag!
Nice and comfortable restaurant in the center of Randers. As I remember it this restaurant has "allways been there"! At least for the last 25-30 years and it is quite popular. You can order a menu but here is also a buffet. Chinese cuisine adjusted for the Danes!
Web Address (optional ONLY if there is none): [Web Link]
Address: Erik Menveds Plads 2 Randers, Midtjylland Denmark 8900
Take-out: no
Cuisine: Not listed
Delivery: Not listed
Visit Instructions:
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