La Pierre Percée - Draché, France
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Tooms et Jess
N 47° 04.363 E 000° 36.440
31T E 318347 N 5216023
In Erables, in the municipality of Draché, one sees a menhir, known in the country under the name of Pierre Percee. The height of this Druidic monument is four meters. Its width is one meter fifty centimeters. In the center, there is an oval opening about 25 cm by 20 cm
Waymark Code: WMJ4PR
Location: Centre-Val-de-Loire, France
Date Posted: 09/23/2013
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member snaik
Views: 20

Traditionally, boys and girls of the district who proposed to marry , never failed to get to Pierre Percee . They exchanged bouquets or marjoram , or other object they were passing through the opening of the menhir and regarded as bound by this act equal to them in the most sacred of oaths . Some villagers attributed to growing herbs at the foot of the menhir power to ward off evil spirits that haunted the countryside during the night , and preserve cattle spells that wizards could take them. They picked the herbs and put them into their houses and barns .

These superstitious practices still occurred shortly before the Revolution. Today, they have completely disappeared ( text dating from 1878). The menhir Arabs, remember the Battle of Poitiers in 732 (or Pierre Breakthrough Draché ) was considered a privileged and magical but also feared. An old legend says that the heads of enemy tribes came to terms with each passing two fingers through the hole to touch . The stone has indeed a hole 30 cm. The vows were exchanged through considered sacred .
The child's head through the hole we spent to preserve diseases , particularly scrofula ( skin disease ) . People said that human sacrifices were practiced . It would raise the victims head through the hole and the other side the officiating priest . Stone and Stone Druid torture happening in legend to have been a sacrificial stone . The victims were tied by bonds secured through the perforations of the stone. It is also said that it served Table of druidic sacrifices .
According to another popular legend, after the battle of 732 many Saracens were buried at the foot of the menhir "Arabs" to Draché and pits as well as the skeletons were of a "staggering scale" .

The cut and polished stones , polishers , standing stones " menhir " and dolmens were regarded with respect , reverence and fear by people. Destroy a megalith was bad luck .
Type: Menhir

Number: 1.00

4 meters

Parking: Not Listed

Source: Not listed

Purpose: Not listed

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